
Editing Tips from the
by Wendy R. Leibowitz
Lawyers are some of the best conversationalists and
sometimes the worst writers. It's a paradox that constantly
surprises me. I'll have a great discussion about a new issue
in the law with someone who obviously knows every wrinkle
and can explain the complexities clearly and succinctly.
"Could you write that up?" I ask. And nine times out of ten,
a piece arrives that begins, "Section A of the new law
subsection b lists exceptions that
" I rarely make it to Section B.
I certainly am guilty of the same flaws when I write: I
want to be thorough, so my piece becomes wordy. I don't want
to talk down to people, so I don't fill in the background
that I assume they know. And I always write the article just
on deadline, leaving me insufficient time to edit it for
content. (After being burned a few times, I always spell
Long-suffering editors must deal with the articles that
result. Here are a few tips that I think make sense. Please
file them "Do what I say, not what I do." They come from
experienced editors at Hanley Wood, LLC -- Jean Dimeo,
Alison Rice and Lisa Clift -- who gave me permission to
circulate them. Someday I might be able to adhere to them
Editing Your Own
Editing your own work can be difficult, because it
requires you to step back and make an objective evaluation
of content that you've probably toiled over for a long time.
You are close to the subject matter and it makes perfect
sense to you, but can you ascertain whether others will
understand your train of thought? Can you streamline your
articles to coherently say more with fewer words? Are you
cherry picking the important material and throwing away the
rotten fruit?
Some tips:
- Put it down! There is no way to objectively edit your
own story immediately after you write it. Ideally, you
should aim to finish a story one to two days before your
deadline. Give it a rest at least over one night and then
start the editing process with a fresh eye.

- Once is not enough. You need to edit your work at
least two to three times. Have a system of checks. For
example, the first edit is a content edit, the second
edit is a grammar/sentence structure edit, and the final
edit is a fact-checking/fine-tuning/proofreading edit.
Remember, if you don't do these steps, somebody else is
going to have to do them for you, or the copy may be
returned to you for revisions.

- Get to the point. Make sure you establish the main
objective of your story, and as you begin to edit each
section reread your lead and make sure that you are not
wandering off into a tangent (or many tangents) that is
not relevant to your objective.

- Think like your reader. Try to imagine that you have
absolutely no information about the subject of the
article when you self edit. It's easy to fill in the gaps
when your head is full of all the backup information, but
remember that your readers don't have access to your
brain! Make sure the flow of thought is cohesive and
there are no holes when you are explaining something.

- Just the best facts, please. Don't feel that you have
to include every scrap of information from your
interviews in a story. You need to hone it down and
discard all the information that is not germane to the
specific angle of the story you are writing-even if it is
good stuff. If you don't, you could end up using quotes
out of context or watering down the focus of your story
with extraneous information or forcing disjointed
information together, which creates cumbersome

- Don't repeat yourself. Don't repeat yourself. Check
to make sure you didn't use quotes to repeat points you
just made in a story. Quotes should support and enhance,
not duplicate.

- Quote judiciously. Check to make sure you are using
quotes to enhance, not to fill space. Most people you
interview are not public orators and they are not going
to verbally deliver lengthy quotes that make sense. Also,
pay special attention to whether or not your quotes are
cohesive when you edit your stories.

- Listen to others' views. Be willing to incorporate
constructive suggestions from the editor/copy
editor/managing editor and rewrite parts of a story if
needed. Your own editing process does not stop when you
file the story. Discuss weak points and review your story
with a critical eye one more time when the editor is done
with it.

- Show, don't tell. When writing stories about an
on-the-scene event, analyze the copy to make sure you
offer useful information. For example, let 's say you go
to a conference and there is a great session on improving
your profits. Don't tell the reader the event had a great
session on improving profits, tell them the useful advice
that was conveyed by the speakers.

- Remember your audience. When you edit your own work,
remember how many readers your magazine serves every
month and that they are all "industry experts." This will
help to motivate you to do the best possible job. Let's
face it: We all get stories we don't want to write or we
feel like we are rushed to complete. If you remind
yourself that 36,000 people are going to read XYZ story,
and if it's terrible I'm going to look like I don't know
what I'm doing, it will help give you the extra drive to
do a good job.

- Follow up. When you edit your work don't hesitate to
call or e-mail your sources to ask questions. They want
the facts in your story to be accurate and usually are
very responsive. It shows that you are careful and
concerned about doing a good job.

- Does it sound right? Have a network of trusted
industry "friends" that you can call on to run things by
as you are editing your stories. If you're unsure if
you've captured an industry trend correctly, pick up the
phone and read it to someone you know and ask his or her
Editing Outside
Assigning stories to outside sources and then following
up with freelancer editing can be even more difficult than
self editing because you don't have the benefit of access to
the sea of information that was funneled down into the final
editorial product. And, if the copy has holes or doesn't
make sense, it can be difficult to determine what the writer
is trying to convey and how to rework it. It can be a very
frustrating exercise, especially if you don't allow ample
time to send a manuscript back to the author for
clarification and/or rewrites.
Some tips:
- Evaluate the content of the story before you even
think about copy editing. There's no sense in toiling
over sentence structure and grammar if rewriting is going
to enter the picture.

- Do your homework up front. Don't verbally assign
stories and expect to get what you requested. You need to
send a detailed written outline. How detailed? It depends
on the length of the story. This is a planning function
but it is critical to establishing a justification for a
rewrite at the editing stage. If you have a defined
outline and the story comes in completely different, you
have good grounds to back and ask the author for a

- Start the editing process before the story is even
filed. Check in with your freelancer on the story's
progress and the angles that are developing. First, it
will ensure that your freelancer is working on the story
angle you assigned. Second, it can help to refocus a
story if some of the angles you suggested turn out to be
dead ends. This will save you countless headaches when
the copy hits your desk.

- Make sure you set your copy deadlines early so you
have time to rewrite if needed. A good rule of thumb is
to set freelance deadlines at least two weeks before
internal staff deadlines. Freelancers will be much more
willing to work with you on filling in gaps with more
interviews and/or reworking sections of the story if they
have more than a day or two to do it. For example, if a
story comes in and needs more sources, you can't expect a
freelancer to do three more interviews and incorporate
them in a story in one to two days. They usually need at
least a week. Be fair to them, and they will be fair to

- Double check facts, figures, and name spellings.

- Go back to your original outline for the assigned
story and make sure the story hits the mark.
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